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Version 1.5 of Advanced Swing Components is released.


Advanced Swing Components (ASC Suite) are pure Java and 100% Swing-based components that help you to deliver Swing applications with professional and user-friendly interface. They are used by developers, who prefer to create own applications as fast as possible with the guarantee of high quality and outstanding performance. Advanced Swing Components were tested with all popular look and feels on JDK 1.3, JDK 1.4 and JDK 1.5.

Allatori Java Obfuscator

The Russian company Smardec, a creator of software oriented to the needs of the programmers working with Java technology has released its new product Allatori Obfuscator, a Java obfuscator of the second generation. Meeting recent trends and ideas in the domain of Java code protection, Allatori possesses great arsenal which can guarantee that any malefactors attempts to decompile any application protected by the obfuscator will be stopped. In the Allatori function set there are the following protection methods:



1. Name Obfuscation

2. Flow Obfuscation

3. Debug Info Obfuscation

4. String Encryption

5. Watermarking

5 Questions to Michael Robertson

Quite a while ago we sent out 5 questions to Michael Roberston CEO of Linspire and SIPphone. It was meant to be for a new section but I thought I would post them here anyway.


1. Is open source here to stay?
2. The cost of Linspire is far less than that of Windows and your
consumer base is far smaller. How do you pay for promotion,
development and employees and still charge low prices for software?
3. What advice can you give to people starting a new website/ web company?
4. To you, what is success?
5. What would you do with $10 million?

New Tutorial

Earlier today, Spook finished writing a tutorial about arrays in PHP. It does an excellent job of covering what arrays are, how to use them, and why you might use them. We encourage you to read the tutorial.

To remind me of the things I still have to do, and to let you in on what I am thinking, here are some tutorials I was thinking about writing:

  • Introduction to Ajax (ever notice how Gmail doesn't refresh the entire page when you click on links?)
  • How to make an Ajax-based poll
  • Updating/Adding a better PHP IRC Bot turorial. This would have more features and an easier way of making your own functions.
  • Introduction to the Google API
  • And more...

If I have peaked your interest and if YOU want to help write a tutorial, please let me know.

CodeDemons was Hacked

I hate using the word "hacked", especially when it involves a script-kiddie. There is a known problem with phpBB 2.0.10 that allows someone to run scripts on the server by exploiting a "highlight" feature. Although I was aware of this exploit, I was unable to patch it because of my terrible FTP access from behind the Acadia univeristy firewall. Anyway, this script corrupted files on the server. I have just completed uploading the backups, and because the database was left intact, it wasn't as hard as I thought it was. phpBB has since been upgraded and we are now protected.

If you come across a dead link please report it so that we can make sure we get that file back up here. ;)

Thanks to our host for being understanding.

Update: We were defaced by a worm, not a person, that finds sites to infect by running searches on Google for vulnerable phpBB boards.

-The CodeDemons Staff